
Half-ATER for 2118-19

PhD Thesis

Thermomechanical behavior of continuous fiber composites with cementitious matrix at high temperature.


When structures in Civil Engineering are under fire, they are simultaneously subjected to very high temperatures and mechanical stresses, which can cause serious consequences.

This thesis focuses on the identification and characterization of the behavior laws and failure behavior of mortar reinforced with textiles ( TRC) which are subject to a high temperature ( 1200◦C ) and a tensile stress ( 20kN ) . The work includes an experimental study that will be reinforced by a thermo- mechanical modeling for assessing the damage phenomena of composite materials.


  • Emmanuel FERRIER
  • Hing Xuan VU
  • Amir SI-LARBI

Beginning and end of the PhD thesis

01/09/2015 – 09/07/2018

Teaching activities