SCIENTIFIC FIELD : Performance-Engineering Science applied to mutli-material for construction

The general approach is in the field of engineering sciences and aims to develop the performance-engineering of multi-material incorporating the constraints of sustainable development in civil engineering.

The originality of the approach developped by the research team is to consider the interaction between material and structure given priority to processes. This is to develop an interactive research between:

  • Innovative engineering to ensure the robust formulation of new materials providing greater reliability and durability of infrastructure.
  • reverse engineer seeking to sustain the heritage and improved safety conditions for users considering evolving operating conditions or  environment.

Innovation for successful engineering involves a classical multiscale approach  to predict the responses of materials and structures during processing, in use under coupled solicitations for significant time scales.

The prediction of emergent properties in complex and heterogeneous systems is based on the identification and modeling of interactions between nano, micro, meso and macro-scales and will lead to the formulation of “robust” materials that will be possible to characterize and to model under operating stresses or during transformation to evaluate their reliability and optimize their life cycle within the structures.